When will I get the notification?
This notification appears when the pHi-Tech system detects a disconnection in the communication cable between the Primary Control Unit and the Hand Unit.
Types of Notifications
Control Unit
The Control Unit will display a message.
Click on the On/Off key to shut down the system.
Look at "What should be done" at the bottom of this article to fix the communication problem.
Mobile App
What should be done?
Verify there's a proper tight connection on both sides of the cable by turning the nuts tightly with a plier.
2. If that doesn't help, remove the communication cable from the Hand Unit by
turning the cable nut counterclockwise and gently pulling it out. Repeat this
process for the other side of the communication cable which is connected to the
Primary Control Unit.
Connect it back tightly- Insert the male side to the Control Unit and turn the nut
clockwise to tighten it.
Connect the female side to the Hand Unit and turn the nut clockwise to tighten it.
3. Clean the inlet and outlet holes with Ethanol. See instructions here
4. If that doesn't help, repeat stage 2 with a new communication cable.
This is how the notification appears in different languages:
Und. de mao. Erro, Reinicie o sistema
Ошибка соединения ручного блока Выкл.системы
UM Com Err Apague Sistema
El ünitesi bağlantı hatası, Sistemi kapatınız.
Kézi egys. Komm HibaRendszer leállítása
HU комуник. грешка, Изключете системата