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Firmware version X.4.12

Gradual Release

Hadas Movshovitz avatar
Written by Hadas Movshovitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Our newest firmware release for the pHi-Tech devices includes several new features:

  • New self-calibrating mechanism 🎉

    You don't need to calibrate every day now!

    Our system calibrates itself according to the set dosage and will automatically fix the deviation in each injection.

    Our recommendation is to check the calibration only after 70-100 injections if-

    • You see the vaccine bottle finishing too fast/slow

    • You are using an adjuvant water vaccine

    • Vaccine temperature is lower than 25°C or higher than 30°C.

    • Extreme high or low viscosity vaccine

    Please notice the new mechanism suits for vaccines injected between 25°C-30°C,
    and you should not calibrate when air is still in the system.

  • Temperature calculation new algorithm!

    • The temperature presented is the actual temperature detected, not the average of the last ten samples.

    • The temperature is measured only during vaccine flow.
      Meaning while injecting, priming, calibrating, and cleaning & disinfecting.
      When the vaccine stops flowing, the last detected temperature will be displayed.

    • Based on the changes to the vaccine temperature, the history record temperature will also be more precise.

  • High-Pressure Enhancements

    • Improvement in the high-pressure detection for high-viscosity vaccines

      by decreasing the sensitivity.

    • After high-pressure detection, the system will repump the max dose (0.6ml) to lower the pressure.

  • All the previous version (X.4.11) enhancements are applied to this version.
    Please review the article to see all the changes and improvements.

  • Bug fixes
    Including the hand unit green light freeze (communication error) and the system freeze.

To upgrade to the X.4.12 firmware version, insert your device into FOTA mode.

If you are having any issues please contact pHi-Tech support.

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